วันจันทร์ที่ 5 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2553

#*# Milwaukee 9081 22 14.4 Volt Ni Cad Cordless 1 4 Inch Hex Driver

I purchased the Milwaukee 9081-22 1/4 inch hex driver specifically to speed the reassembly of my granddaughter's playhouse, which I was moving from one site to another. Reassembly included driving several dozen 4 inch lag bolts, several dozen 3 1/2" deck screws, and hundreds of other deck screws of shorter lengths. I was very impressed with the speed, torque, and ease of use of this hex driver. The hex driver quickly set every bolt and screw. After reassembling the exterior, I tried using the hex driver to install drywall on the interior walls. Using only a drywall driver tip, this hex driver proved that it could drive drywall screws better (faster, straighter, and more consistent depth) than my variable speed drill driver. I love this tool for driving bolts and screws!
(9 customers reviews)
Customers Rating=4.0 / 5.0

More Detail For Milwaukee 9081 22 14.4 Volt Ni Cad Cordless 1 4 Inch Hex Driver

  • Powerful - Delivers up to 740 in. lbs. of torque
  • Lightweight - allows the user to work longer with less fatigue
  • Durable - equipped with a heavy-duty, die-cast, aluminum gear housing for extreme durability
  • Hard hitting - produces up to 2500 impacts per minute
  • Limited warranty

