I bought this at Home Depot to make some work benches. I cut enough wood for 4 benches before arriving at my opinion. Here's the deal.
Very little assembly
Nice looking
Good price
Light weight
Kicks like an angry mule when you turn it on (which means that you have to turn it on raise the blade guard and then line up your cut - which is not as safe as lining it up and then turning it on. If you do that with this machine no matter how hard you hold the work piece it jumps completely off the table).
Stand is loose and wobbly and can't be tightened - causing the saw to move with the work piece!
Table surface is rough and wood will not slide smoothly across it
Because of the kick and vibration the miter needs to be readjusted and tightened with every piece you cut
Table measurements are inaccurate
Table extensions are unstable and weak - held in place by plastic retainers
Miter slot has too much play to make accurate cuts
blade guard wont stay up
extremely loud
Final thoughts:
This was the worst tool I've every purchased. I have several Ryobi tools (plunge router, drill press, skill saw, power drill) and they all work great. This is a real dangerous table and I can't recommend it to anyone. Don't buy it.
(1 customers reviews)
Customers Rating=1.0 / 5.0
More Detail For Ryobi Factory Reconditioned 15 Amp 10 Table Saw with QuickSTAND